Saturday, September 15, 2007

Quote of the Moment

"When I am talking to somebody there are always two conversations going on. The first is on the surface; it is about politics or music or whatever it is our mouths are saying. The other is beneath the surface, on the level of the heart, and my heart is communicating that I like the person I am talking to or I don't. God wants both conversations to be true. That is, we are supposed to speak truth in love."

-Donald Miller
in "Blue Like Jazz"

1 comment:

John said...

Thanks for the comments and prayers. Life is tough/confusing right now, but our Lord is bringing me through it and I'm running into marvelous light. Like my blog's name insinuates, I have an extremely sensitive spirit to a lot of things, so things in life affect me very deeply. Sometimes I just need to write them out...and sometimes it comes through in my writing on my blog. Thanks for caring.