Sunday, January 11, 2009

Happy New Year!

I was surprised that last year I actually kept all of my New Year's resolutions at least to an extent. My cooking only caught fire a few times. And I can now play several slow songs on the guitar.

On the last day of December, I was feeling pretty down, so I decided to make a list of the things I had accomplished during the year. I was surprised as the list grew and grew. I had made some good decisions in a difficult job situation. I had sought out help and advice when I was struggling in my faith. I had worked to develop my relationship with my brothers. I felt like a failure. But God was still working in my life.

But here's something I didn't even notice until days later--I hadn't even noticed that I'd fulfilled all my resolutions. Maybe this year I'll skip the resolution thing...

Happy New Year everyone!!!


Anonymous said...

interesting to look back and see that you did some of the things on the list.

that is pretty cool that you can play a tune on a guitar!

God's Love to you in every day of this new year.

Ted M. Gossard said...

I don't know what it's a sign of, but I don't make resolutions anymore, not that I was ever big in doing so. However this post and thinking through an issue is perhaps leading me to make one now between myself and God. Maybe I'll share it sometime on my blog, maybe not.

But a most blessed and joyous new year to you, The Walk! Good to hear you were able to meet, or begin to meet some goals or desires you have had, this past year.

preacherman said...

I hope and pray all is going good. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

preacherman said...

I hope and pray all is going good. You are in my thoughts and prayers.