Tuesday, October 28, 2008

God is God (pt. 2)

I'm a perfectionist. It seems like such a Christian thing to be. To always be loving and kind always all the time...to never get angry...to never fall short in any way.

And then I mess up and feel guilty and horrible. It's the right thing to do, isn't it? To beat myself up?

I wear myself out trying to be perfect. Trying to be my own savior.

Lately I've been realizing little by little that I try to live out of my own strength. I try to forgive on my own. Try to love on my own. Try to repent on my own. Try to find God on my own.

Only through Christ am I able to love, to trust, to forgive...only through Him am I able to know Him.

God is God...I am not.


Anonymous said...

i should probably come and read this post every day.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Amen, The Walk, Amen.

Like Paul asking the Galatian believers it they, who started out by the Spirit, were now trying to go on by the flesh. No.

We grow more and more into this, I believe, not only this realization, but this practice- in Jesus.

The Walk said...

Thank you so much for your on-going encouragement, Nancy.

Very true, Ted. "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free."