Thursday, June 19, 2008


It's funny how easy it is to fall into bad habits. I don't mean robbing banks or stealing candy from babies. But just letting the "little stuff" slide.

For me, it's been staying up late (like, until 2) and getting up really late.

Not really a huge deal...except I don't get much done at 2 in the morning.

And it drives my family crazy.

And when I do have something to do first thing in the morning, like teaching Sunday School, I know I'm not running on all four cylinders.

So...I've decided to stop letting the little stuff go.

I'll have more self-discipline.

Right after my next piece of chocolate.


Anonymous said...

i'll start on monday

preacherman said...

Great post!!

Ted M. Gossard said...

Yes, self-discipline is like one step at a time in whatever meets us. And life involving a process means God is somehow in it for us in Jesus, and that's not always comfortable.

But I've slacked off lately in Bible reading and my post yesterdau reflected on that and on what God may be trying to teach me through the process of that.

Sometimes these occasions where we kind of cave in are important for us in finding God's grace in those hard and hidden places (name of L.L. Barkat's fine book, I'm blogging on nowdays).

preacherman said...

I am proud of you and thank you for talking about this important topic.

The Oho Report said...

I can relate with your time management issues. Your humor is clever.