Thursday, December 13, 2007

More Thoughts for Advent

The website scared me. It wasn't the cutsie graphic of baby bunnies on the left or the pretty lavender background. It wasn't the title at the top of the page--something about love and God and struggle. It was the article. It said I was damned.

Actually, to be perfectly fair, it didn't say that I was damned. It just listed a bunch of things you needed to do, or not do, in order to be saved. So, to say that the article said I was damned isn't totally accurate.

But it was convincing. And if there really was a list like that of things one must do, or not do, in order to earn God's grace, then what about all that other stuff? I mean, that stuff they forgot to put on that list? Like those times I lose sleep over worry...and those days I struggle with some sin or other...what about those other times...the times that I didn't struggle...and I just gave in? If there was any line I could cross that would lead God to reject me, I would cross it. Not because I don't desire God, but because I am me.

The article scared me. Because some of it seemed to make so much sense. It seemed so true.

That Wednesday at Bible study I asked a friend about my questions--a wise older gentleman who knows just about everything and is a little bit like a cross between C.S. Lewis and Santa Claus. He helped knock some sense back into my head.

We know that there is nothing we can do to make ourselves worthy of God's love. "For if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing." One of the amazing reminders of Advent is that He has come to do it for us, because He loves us. He has come to give us a gift, the gift of Himself.

The gospel. It is a story most of us are probably familiar with. But to be honest, I sometimes need reminders. Like that day I stumbled across that website, I can be scared, wondering "what about this mistake? What about this sin? Does this disqualify me? Is this too much for God to forgive?"

That story of the One who was born for us, died for us, loves us, desires us. It's an old story, but I've found that I always love to hear it again.


Ted M. Gossard said...

The Walk,
Yes. This season does help us focus more towards and on the good news of God's grace in Jesus. This makes the difference alone in our lives. And nothing else does.

Thanks for these good words and reminder.

Anonymous said...

joyfulness and peace to you.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Have a blessed Christmas and new year and beyond! Thanks for your good fellowship in the blog world.

The Walk said...

Thank you for the comments and warm wishes. I am greatful for this season and the way it always helps me to focus again on God's amazing love for us.