Saturday, October 6, 2007

A Thought

I have never met a homeless atheist. I'm sure there are some out there, but I've never met one. Homeless people have asked me if I know about Jesus, asked if we could pray before sharing a meal, told me that we too are a part of God's story. But none has ever told me he did not believe in God.

Monday, October 1, 2007

A Few Thoughts on Pride

Lewis points out that "pride is essentially competitive--is competitive by its very nature." Pride is forever seeking to be better than.

This makes me think that perhaps pride is a pessimist, love an optimist. Pride tells us, "oh, it wasn't that great, she isn't that beautiful, he isn't that smart." It is risky to take pleasure in something outside of ourselves, because we might not measure up. Humility allows us to enjoy the beauty around us. Humility allows us to enjoy God.

Quote of the Moment

"Nearly all those evils in the world which people put down to greed or selfishness are really far more the result of Pride."

-C.S. Lewis
Mere Christianity